Pangiam Beacon
As Simple as a Selfie
Our simple mobile enrollment application provides guests and visitors with a convenient way to enroll in biometric matching and identity verification services — from their home, on the road, or at the onsite venue. This app can be standalone or integrated into your existing web presence and works with iPhone or android phones and tablets.

Expand enrollment options through an easy-to-download app available from the Apple or Google Play stores. Offers end users a convenient way for users to enroll at home before arriving at their destination.
User uploads a selfie through the app to streamline identity verification processes before they arrive at a specific location — saving time and providing a faster and more efficient experience.
Deploys easily in support of a range of initiatives (secure check-ins, health screenings, travel bookings, or membership management) Cross platform compatible, built for both iOS and Android.
- Downloadable from the Apple or Google Play stores
- Secure data collection and storage for use in biometric facial matching transactions
- Integrates easily with all Pangiam products and many others
- Provides open and direct communication with user
- Ability to collect biographic info and photo
- User can delete personal identification information (PII) with one button
- Available in multiple languages
- Face finding, liveness detection, and pitch, yaw and roll detection
- Clean user interface and experience
- Available as a stand-alone application or part of an end-to-end solution